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it is defice when temperature is lowest

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Q: How does low pressure area develop on earth?
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Do hurricanes develop high pressure areas?

Hurricanes are intense low pressure systems.

What is high pressure area and low pressure area?

the orbit of the moon around planet earth

What is the low pressure and high pressure area?

the orbit of the moon around planet earth

When a mass of cold air presses on the surface of the earth is called what?

low pressure area

How do atmospheric pressure zones and ocean currents affect earth's energy balance?

Warm temp create area of low atmospheric pressure on the Earth's surface while area of high pressure r generated when temp r relatively cold. Once established, the thermal gradient then develops a flow of air that goes from high 2 low pressure

Are winds stronger near a high pressure area or a low pressure area?

low pressure

An area of constant high or low pressure that encircles the earth is called?

This is sooo stu pid

Do clouds rise in the center of a low pressure or high pressure area?

Air rises in a low pressure area and sinks in a high pressure area.

What is the Intertropical Convergence Zone the largest coastal plain in Africa an organization created to develop a plan to build dams an area rich in natural resources a low-pressure area that influe?

What is the Intertropical Convergence Zone? the largest coastal plain in Africa an organization created to develop a plan to build dams an area rich in natural resources a low-pressure area that influences climate

Area of low pressure where masses meet and rise?

Cyclones is the area of low pressure

Do tornadoes develop in low pressure areas?

Yes. Most storm activity is associated with low pressure.

At the Earth's surface warm air expands and rises leaving behind what is known as an area of?

low pressure