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The contradiction and relaxation of skeletal muscles moves lymph trough the lymph vessels.

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Q: How does lymph move through the lymph vessels without a pump?
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How does the lymph get into the lymph vessels?

Lymph is a fluid. It flows through the lymphatic vessels by one way valves which allows lymph move way through lymphatic system. Subclavian suction, and skeletal muscle pumps help to propel the lymph through the lymphatic vessels.

Does the squeezing of skeletal muscles move lymph through the lymphatic system?

Yes. The lymphatic system does not have a "heart" like in the circulatory system to pump its contents around, so it relies on the movement of adjacent muscles and vessels to propel lymph.

What cause the blood to flow through the blood vessels?

The heart is a pump and move blood through the blood vessels.

How does muscular system help the lymphatic system?

Lymph, also known as lymphatic fluid, moves throughout the body in a series of vessels that have one-way valves. As our muscles contract and relax when we move around, the lymphatic fluid moves very slowly through these vessels.

How does lymph return to the cardiovascular system?

When blood travels through the capillaries in the cardiovascular system, some fluids leak out and move into the lymphatic system. This system is a carrier of vein-like vessels delivering the fluids back to the bloodstream. Once inside of the lymphatic system, this fluid is called lymph. Glucose, water, and white blood cells are consistent in lymph. Lymph moves through the lymphatic system passing through knobs of tissue called lymph nodes. These lymph nodes filter bacteria and other disease-causing microorganisms. Lymph nodes enlarge when fighting off an infection.

What system assists the cardiovascular system by collecting excess tissue fluid?

The lymphatic system removes excess fluid from tissues. The lymph system is a network of organs, lymph nodes, lymph ducts, and lymph vessels that make and move lymph from tissues to the bloodstream. The lymph system is a major part of the body's immune system.

How is lymph moved throughout the body?

The lymph system is similar to the venous system in the body. There are series of one way valves that keep the fluid moving in one direction. As you move or flex you muscles it presses down on the lymph vessels and the fluid moves though the one way valves.

How does blood move throuhout the body?

Through blood vessels

What are 3 types of smooth muscles?

move blood through the blood vessels, move food through the stomach, and move waste out of the body

What cells move easily through blood vessels?

white blood cells

How are blood vessels like highways?

The blood vessels can be thought of as highways your blood uses to move through.

How can red blood cells move through blood vessels so easily?

They move easy because they can bend a little and fold a little. So that they can squeeze through.