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Macbeth says that he was overcome with hatred for killing a Kind (Duncan) was on the same level as killing God. he couldn't help himself. This makes Macbeth look even more innocent, showing that he is loyal to the king, when really he is the opposite)

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"They were suborn'd", or in other words, someone paid them to do it.

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Q: How does Macbeth explain why he killed Duncan's servants?
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What happens the king servants who are blamed for duncans murder?

The king's servants who are blamed for King Duncan's murder are killed by Macbeth as part of his plan to frame them for the crime. Macbeth does this to shift suspicion away from himself and Lady Macbeth, who are the true perpetrators of the murder.

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He had his suspicions because the fact the Macbeth killed the servants he blamed the murder on.

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Macbeth felt he had to kill the king's servants as they may have possibly figured out that it was him who killed the king. He then tells others he had to kill them as they had killed the king.

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He claims he did so out of anger over Duncan's death, but it is really to prevent them from telling the truth.

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"I" said Macbeth, "with the servants' daggers. I killed Macbeth."

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Macbeth gives orders to kill his whole family. They killed his wife, son, and servants. Anyone who were in Macduff's castle

Who do people think killed king Duncan?

In Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," the character Macbeth kills King Duncan. Initially, the murder is seemingly committed by the servants, but it is later revealed to be Macbeth and his wife who are responsible for the crime.

Who places the daggers with the murdered servants in Macbeth?

Macduff greets Macbeth's announcement that he has killed the grooms with the line "Wherefore did you so?" Macduff seems to think that was a peculiar thing to do, since he asks why Macbeth did it. Macbeth has a ready answer, but then in the next scene Macduff chooses not to attend Macbeth's coronation, so maybe he was not convinced by the answer.

Who did Macbeth have killed because he suspected Macbeth had killed duncan?

And then Macbeth asked Macbeth if he confronted Macbeth on killing Macbeth with Macbeth.

Macbeth an Lady Macbeth intend to get away with murder by making it seem that the king?

Killed himself by stabbing himself repeatedly through the heart and then going out to where his servants were sleeping and wiping his blood all over them, perhaps? Or maybe their plan was to make it look like his servants had killed him.