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The king's servants who are blamed for King Duncan's murder are killed by Macbeth as part of his plan to frame them for the crime. Macbeth does this to shift suspicion away from himself and Lady Macbeth, who are the true perpetrators of the murder.

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Q: What happens the king servants who are blamed for duncans murder?
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What happens to Duncans guards?

Lady Macbeth gets them drunk, then frames them for the murder of Duncan.

How does macduff knows that Macbeth had killed king duncan?

He had his suspicions because the fact the Macbeth killed the servants he blamed the murder on.

What physical part does lady Macbeth play in duncans murder?

She doesn't play any part in the murder of King Duncan.

Who is framed for Duncans Murder?

Two Guards are smeared in blood and knocked out. When they are conious they exucuated!!!!

What happened to Duncan groom?

They were killed by Macbeth because he blamed them for Duncan's murder.

Who is responsible for king duncans murder?

Macbeth, yet guards were framed and Lady Macbeth was the plotter!

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King Duncan's sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, fled the country after their father's death because they were afraid that they would be blamed and possibly targeted for his murder. They believed that by leaving, they could protect themselves and also gather support to eventually return and claim the throne.

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Macbeth compares Duncan's murder to a bell signaling Duncan's eternal sleep. He expresses remorse and guilt over the treacherous act he has committed.

How do Macbeth's thoughts begin to change after Malcolm is named Duncans heir?

He begins to seriously consider the possibility of committing murder to become king.

What was king duncans murder weapon?

In the play "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare, King Duncan was murdered by Macbeth using a dagger.

Where do murder happens?

Murder is a worldwide occurrence.

Who did mcbeth plan to blame for king duncans death?

Lady Macbeth planned to blame the murder on the grooms of Duncan's chamber. This frame-up was successful, at least at first.