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Q: How does magnesium atoms and chlorine atoms change into ions to produce magnesium chloride?
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Which process change a chlorine atom into a chloride ion?

chlorine atom will first convert to the gaseous chlorine atom which will then add one electron to form chloride ion.

What change does the sodium atom have after combining with chlorine?

In presence of chlorine, sodium atoms will discharge electrons to give sodium ions to combine with chloride ions followed by forming a lattice of sodium chloride.

Is adding HCI to Mg a chemical change?

Yes. Magnesium metal reacts in hydrochloric acid to form magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas.

Is BaCl2 and Epsom salt a physical or chemical change?

Barium chloride and magnesium sulfate are chemical compounds, not "changes".

When naming a compound containing potassium and chlorine change the suffix of the anion name to?

potassium chloride

When naming the compound containing lithium and chlorine, change the suffix of the anion's name to?

"ide" as in lithium chlorIDE

When chlorine gas is separated from sodium chloride gas which change will occur physical or chemical?

It is a chemical change.2NaCl --> 2Na + Cl2

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What would happen if a sodium atom and a chlorine atom came into contact?

They combine to make sodium chloride, commonly known as table salt.

Why will you not become sick if you eat sodium chloride even though chlorine is poisonous?

because when sodium combines with chlorine, the properties change.

Is corrosion of metals physical or chemical change?

It is a chemical change, where a chemical such as oxygen or chlorine combines with a metal, forming an oxide or chloride of that metal.

Magnesium burning in air is an example of this type of chemical change?

The magnesium burns readily in air to produce a white ash which is magnesium oxide. This is due to the "oxidation" of the metal.