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Decreasing ground contamination from landfills, reducing household litter and yard debris on the property, and refraining from use of chemicals are ways in which making and using a compost pile help water quality. The water cycle involves rainfall -- whose quality is degraded by acid rain and landfill-generated greenhouse and methane gases -- accessing water tables through infiltration into and percolation through soils. It also takes into consideration irrigation activity, whose quality is improved when chemicals are not used and non-organic inputs -- such as composted amendments, fertilizers, and mulches -- are employed.

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Q: How does making and using a compost pile help water quality?
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How do you make compost using chicken droppings and water in a drum?

After the dropping have dffused into the water in the water in the drum dilute the concentrate and water your plants.

What are the procedures in making compost tea?

One-third compost to two-thirds water is the procedure for making compost tea. The mixture in question must be stirred while steeping three or four days and before straining through such porous fabric as burlap or cheesecloth. The residue serves as soil amendment, fertilizer or mulch while the tea can be poured or sprayed onto plants.

Is a liter of compost the same as a liter of water?

No, compost is bulky and will have air-spaces. So less compost can be packed into the litre container. Water is a liquid and will fill the container completely, and will be heavier.

What should be the ratio of compost to water in brewing?

One to three is the ratio of compost to water in brewing compost tea. The process requires unchlorinated water being added to a bucket that is one-third filled with finished compost. The compost will be strained for application as soil amendment, fertilizer or mulch while the watery residue will be diluted at the rate of 1 to 10 in unchlorinated water prefatory to pouring or spraying within four hours.

What do you have to have in compost?

Nitrogen, carbon, microbes and water.

What is an ecological benefit of using a compost tumbler?

Composting can reduce waste by a large scale. It can prevent pollution of water, filling of landfills, and waste of resources by using biodegradable objects for productive purposes.

Is a landlord responsible for the quality of well water?

Usually he would be if you are using it to live on

Does compost tea pollute lake water?

It all depends on how you make it. If your making compost tea from YOUR OWN compost and maybe some small additives like Mollasses then no it will not. However once you start introducing other composts like Bat droppings or sea kelp then your going to be adding non-local minerals and bacteria that can be potentially harmful. Play it safe and use 1-2lbs of your own finished compost in a 5 gallon or so pail of non-chlorinated water (do not use city water) and aerate the mix for a minimum of 24 hours. You can either use full strenght but it may burn some more sensitive plants (cucumbers for example) so for those you can dilute it 50/50 compost tea to water. Enjoy!

What does a plant need for optional growth?

sun water and compost

What do worms eat and drink?

They Drink water and eat compost

How do you make a compost hotbed?

You take a hose and spray water

Why do gardeners add water to the compost heap from time to time?

because compost is pooThe green waste used to make garden compost will not decompose if it is dry so it is advisable to keep the material moist.