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Q: How does making inference help you understand the passage?
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Visualizing can help me understand because when I read I picture it in my head.

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Finding the purpose of a passage helps you focus on the main idea that the author is trying to convey. Understanding the purpose allows you to connect the details in the text to the broader message, making it easier to comprehend the overall meaning and significance of the passage. By knowing the purpose, you can better analyze and interpret the content of the text.

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An explanatory passage is a written passage that provides information or explanations about a specific topic. It aims to clarify concepts, provide background information, and help readers better understand the subject matter.

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context clues

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When you can't understand or don't know the meaning of certain words in a passage you're reading, look for and rely on:Context cluesYour knowledge of other vocabulary words and meanings

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because you will like the story better

What is the best graphic organizer to use to better understand a passage?

A good graphic organizer to help understand a passage is a concept map. It allows you to visually organize and connect key ideas, details, and relationships within the text, making it easier to grasp the overall meaning and structure of the passage.

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Underlining or highlighting can help you to quickly identify and remember key information in a passage, making it easier to review and study later. It can also help you to organize your thoughts and focus on important points.

Why do making predictions help people better understand a story?

because you will like the story better