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yes it enhances the sniffling aromas

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Q: How does marijuana affect the sense of smell?
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Does hearing loss affect your sense of smell?

Hearing loss will not usually affect a persons sense of smell.

Does smiling block your sense of smell?

In the usual circumstance, smiling does not affect your sense of smell

How does your sense of tast affect your sense of smell?

Smell is an important part of taste. without smell you would not taste anything. So if you don't have a sense of smell you won't have the sense of taste eather.

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If you have asthma does it affect how you taste and smell food?

Having Asthma doesn't affect your sense of smell and taste

What are some side effects of smoking marijuana through your nose?

lose sense of smell

How does the sense of smell affect sense of taste?

The senses are all somewhat connected

How does the working of your sense of smell affect your sense of taste?

Think about when you get a stuffy nose. When you lose your sense of smell it impairs your sense of taste.

What can affect your sense of smell?

Hay fever, a cold, alcohol,

Can marijuana contaminate cigarettes if in same box?

No. You're either smoking weed or your not. Worst case scenario, if the marijuana and cigarettes are together for too long then the cigarettes might smell slightly like the marijuana for a few hours. However, the smell of the tobacco is overpowering, so you'd have to have a trained sense if smell to notice it.

Does the rain affect the turkey vulture sense of smell?

Yes, it heightens it.

Does cheese affect a dog's sense of smell?

yes it does did it to my dog taylaxxoo