

How does metallic of the elements vary across a period?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Across a period, the metallic character decreases.

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Q: How does metallic of the elements vary across a period?
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Atomic radius decreases across a period from left to right, except for the noble gases.

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in a period size decreases from left to right and hence electrons are more tightly held to the nucleus. so electron gain enthalpy increases across a period . down the period size increases and thus in general electron gain enthalpy decreses .

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the number of electrons in each orbital increases, so the number of electrons to form a noble gas configuration in ground state increses.

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What physical properties do all four substances share?

Four physical properties shared by the metallic elements are that they are ductile, malleable, have good thermal conductivity, and have a metallic luster. They are also good conductors of electricity.

How do properties of elements change within period?

As you move from left to right across a row (or period) in the periodic table, the following things change: -- atomic size goes down -- electronegativity goes up -- electron affinity goes up See the Web Links and Related Questions links to the left of this answer for more details about why the trends occur and also some important exceptions to these trends.

How does atomic radius vary in group and in period on periodic table?

Down a period the atomic radius increases as the number of shells (or energy levels) increases. Across a period the atomic radius decreases as the effective nuclear charge increases.