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Montag manages to escape the manhunt for him by joining a group of intellectuals who are committed to preserving books by memorizing their contents. They travel through the countryside, evading capture, and he eventually finds sanctuary with them in the wilderness.

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Q: How does montag manage to escape the manhunt for him?
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In Fahrenheit 451 during the manhunt for montag by the hound why did the camera identify an innocent man as montag?

during the manhunt for Montag by the hound, the camera identifies an innocent man as Montag because the hound had lost Montag. (Montag's disguise worked) In order to please the people watching the manhunt on television they killed a man but didn't get close enough to him with the camera for anybody to realize that it wasn't Montag.

DuringThe manhunt for montag by the hound why did the camera identify an innocent man as Montag?

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Faber tells Montag to escape to the river and follow its path out of the city to avoid the authorities. He advises Montag to seek refuge with the exiled book-lovers who live along the river.

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What happens to Montag as he leaves the hound?

After leaving the hound, Montag's leg starts to get numb.

Why does montag go into the forest?

Montag goes into the forest to escape the mechanical hound and the authorities searching for him. He seeks refuge and solitude in nature to gather his thoughts and decide his next course of action. The forest represents a symbol of freedom and a break from the oppressive society he is trying to escape.

Where do Faber an montag agree to meet again?

Faber and Montag agree to meet at the river outside the city, where they plan to escape and eventually join a group of intellectuals living in the wilderness.

How did Romeo manage to escape detection at the party?

they were wearing masks.

Why did the search for montag veer inland in Fahrenheit 451?

In "Fahrenheit 451," the search for Montag veers inland to mislead the Mechanical Hound that was trailing him. By changing direction and giving false clues, Montag was able to confuse the Hound and ultimately escape capture.

What did the railroad tracks mean to montag?

It symbolized where he was going in life

During the manhunt for montag by the houndwhy did the camera identify an innocent man as montag?

The camera identified an innocent man as Montag because Montag had passed his scent onto the man by rubbing his arm. The Hound uses scent as well as visual identification to track its targets, leading to the mistaken identity.

What did railroad tracks mean to Montag?

It symbolized where he was going in life