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Because of erosion and weathering. To be specific, Sun's energy, wind ,and water.

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Q: How does mountain change over time?
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How can wind and water change a mountain over time?

Wind and water will weather the mountain, causing it to change form over thousands of years.

How can stone mountain change over time?

Because avalanche.

How wind and rain change a mountain over time?

Wind and rain beat upon the mountain and therefore cause erosion against the rock over time.

How does erosion change mountains over time?

it can change the mountains size and or shape. for example, erosion could change a mountain to a hill

How mountains change over time?

The cycle of repeated collisons and rifting caan create old and complicated mountain ranges, such as the Appalachian Mountain

How erosion changes mountains over time?

it can change the mountains size and or shape. for example, erosion could change a mountain to a hill

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A change over time is often referred to as a gradual change.

How do weathering and erosion change a mountain made of solid rock over millions of years?

a mountain changes over millions of years due to erosion

How over millions of years how do weathering and erosion change a mountain made of solid rock?

a mountain changes over millions of years due to erosion

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