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Q: How does mump virus infect its host?
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What does virus host range mean?

Virus host range refers to the range of organisms or cell types that a particular virus can infect. Some viruses have a broad host range and can infect multiple species, while others have a narrow host range and can only infect specific hosts. The host range is determined by factors such as the virus's ability to enter host cells and replicate within them.

Why the virus host doesn't infect itself?

Cause they love themselves .

What is a host cell for a virus?

A host cell for a virus is a cell that the virus can infect and hijack to replicate itself. The virus enters the host cell, takes over its machinery to produce more virus particles, and then spreads to infect other cells.

Where does the virus multiply?

Viruses replicate inside the host cells they infect. They hijack the cellular machinery of the host to make copies of themselves, leading to the multiplication of the virus.

Which structure has the least effect on the ability of a virus to infect and replicate in a host cell?


What might be an effect of a mutation in a virus?

Most of the time, a mutation in a virus results in better ability to infect a host cell and more resistance to the host cell's defenses.

What is the function of a virus?

Viruses are malicious software (malware) in which their sole purpose is to replicate and infect non-infected computers. Their are many mediums to which a virus can infect a computer, most commonly through the internet and email attachments. When viruses infect a computer, it attaches itself to a "host" file (hence the name virus because it acts like a real world virus). Next, it injects its code into the host file so that whenever that infected file is run, the virus executes first and then the actual file starts. The "payload" is the official term to the effects a computer virus has on a PC.

What does the protein structure of a virus have to do with the attachment to host cells?

The protein structure of a virus typically includes specific proteins on its outer surface that help it attach to receptors on host cells. This attachment is crucial for the virus to gain entry into the host cell, infect it, and replicate. The binding specificity between viral proteins and host cell receptors is a key determinant of the virus's ability to infect specific cell types.

Can a virus infect any type of cell?

No, viruses are specific to certain types of cells they can infect based on specific molecules on the cell's surface that the virus can attach to. This is known as the host range of a virus.

What does virus specificity mean?

Virus specificity refers to the ability of a virus to infect specific host cells or organisms due to interactions between viral and host cell surface molecules. Each virus has a specific range of hosts that it can infect based on these molecular interactions, which determine its infectivity and pathogenicity. This specificity is what underlies the diverse range of diseases caused by different viruses.

Does the mump virus go through the lysogenic cycle or lytic cycle?


How does the structure of a virus help it survive?

The structure of a virus, with its protein coat and genetic material, allows it to enter host cells, replicate its genetic material, and produce new virus particles. This structure also helps protect the virus from the host's immune system and other environmental factors. Additionally, the compact size and shape of viruses enable them to efficiently infect host cells and spread from one organism to another.