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Q: How does napoleon use the memory of snowball to keep the animals in line?
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What does napoleon gain turning snowball into the enemy?

He gained leadership dictatorship over all the animals on Animal Farm. Not to mention that Squealer warped the memories of the other animals by tricking them into believing the lies he spun. The dogs enforced all the ridicules "laws" made by Napoleon.

Who are the animals in charge of Animal Farm?

Napoleon, the BIG PIG, and his lieutenant , Squealer , all other pigs being superior to the other animals, and the dogs were the serveants and guards of all pigs, but primarily, Napolean .

In animal farm Why does napoleon push the animals to rebuild the wind mill when it was blown down?

because animals that are busy have no time to revolt. Napoleon wants to keep people busy so they don't think to much.

How was the windmill destroyed in 'Animal Farm'?

The first time by a great storm, the second time by an explosion caused by humans.

What argument does Squealer use to keep the animals from protesting Napoleon's takeover?

Squealer (a persuasive propagandist) says that Napoleon would let the animals make their own decisions, but that they might make some "wrong" ones that would be harder to undo.

In animal farm how does Napoleon create a leader myth and personality cult?

Napoleon took dogs from their mother when they were just young and secretly trained them to answer his every command and one day he just sent them after poor Snowball. Orwell doesn't tell us if they get him or not but we guess so. After that the dogs help Napoleon to keep order and any one who doesn't listen answers to them.

What two hardships did Napoleon warn the workers of in Animal Farm?

Napoleon warned the workers of the two hardships of overwork and hunger on Animal Farm. He used these threats to keep the animals in line and maintain control over them.

Did Napoleon Bonaparte keep his promises?

No. He didn't keep his promises.

Where did Napoleon keep his army?

Up his sleevy!

How do you keep a snowball from melting in a24 hour period at 65to 75 degrees?

Wrap it or enclose it in a good insulator, so that no heat from the ambient 65°-75° can reach the snowball.

Why do Napoleon and squealer present the human farmers as such wicked people?

Napoleon and Squealer portray the human farmers as wicked to maintain control over the other animals and justify their own actions. By demonizing the humans, they create fear and a sense of unity among the animals, making it easier to manipulate and exploit them for their own gain. Additionally, by painting the humans as evil, Napoleon and Squealer can deflect attention away from their own oppressive tactics and keep the animals' loyalty.

Why did napoleon keep his hand on his stomach when he went out?

It Was Cold