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Q: How does natural selection work and how it is related to adaptations of species?
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How do adaptations arise in a species?

Through natural selection and evolution

What is the idea that species originate through a gradual change of adaptations?

The theory of evolution by natural selection. Called gradualism.

What is the idea behind Natural Selection?

there is a greater reproduction success with certain members of a species because of adaptations one may have

How is natural selection used in artificial selection?

Natural variation in artificial selection is used because humans choose from among the naturally occurring variation s in species. Natural selection is related to species fitness because Darwin called natural selection survival of the fittest because those that could survive would carry their species on there for being the naturally selected.

How is natural variations used in artificial selection?

Natural variation in artificial selection is used because humans choose from among the naturally occurring variation s in species. Natural selection is related to species fitness because Darwin called natural selection survival of the fittest because those that could survive would carry their species on there for being the naturally selected.

How does adaptations affect natural selection?

Any trait that helps a species to survive a harsh environment or helps to survive in general will be passed on to the next generation.

How long does it take for adaptations to occur with natural selection?

Individual animals do not adapt. Adaptation happens over generations within a species in a certain environment.

Does natural selection affect the survival of an individual or a species?


What is the process called where the environment in which a species lives causes a change to the collective genes of that species?

Natural selection, which is the mechanism for evolution.

Do all species have natural selection?


What is the formation of new species by natural selection?

We call this speciation, and is largely driven by evolution and natural selection.

What is one effect of natural selection?

Natural selection helps to increase biodiversity and the number of new species.