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Q: How does nicotine affect the fetus of a mother that smokes?
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How might a pregnant woman's use of nicotine affect her child?

Nicotine constricts blood vessels and thus reduces blood flow with oxygen and nutrients to placenta and fetus.

What are some environmental hazards that might be harmful to a fetus?

Well, if the mother smokes, of course the fetus will then inhale the smoke. If too much smoke is being inhaled, then its highly possible that the baby and sometimes the mother, may die.

Does the nutrition of the mother affect the fetus?

Yes. The fetus can't decide what to eat or drink, it gets everything from the mother. If the mother gets what she needs, then the fetus can get what it needs. If the mother is eating junk, then the fetus is getting junk. If the mother does drugs, some of those are passed on to the fetus as well. Sometimes, babies born by addicted mothers have to go straight to rehab to cure them of their addicitions.

Can drinking ultra pastuerized milk affect a growing fetus?

Drinking milk while pregnant is good for the mother. The fetus will get what it needs whether the mother drinks milk or not. Ultra pasteurized milk has no different affect on mother or fetus than pasteurized milk. Drinking unpasteurized milk while pregnant is not recommended.

How do cigarettes effect pregnancy?

Cigarettes are harmful to the development of a fetus, because they create a degree of carbon monoxide poisoning in the mother, which reduces available oxygen to both mother and fetus, and because nicotine is also a vaso-constrictor, making blood vessels contract, thereby reducing blood flow to the fetus.

Will nicotine in sperm harm unborn fetus?

Not likely.

How does thefetus eat?

A fetus gains all the nutrients and food it neds from its mother through the umbilical cord. This means if the mother smokes, drinks or does puts anything harmful in her body that the baby could be born with defects.

When a women smokes during pregnancy how is the developing baby affected?

The baby can be born prematurely to a mother who smokes. It also affects development of the fetus. I remember in one of my child development classes showed the embryonic fluid bright red due to smoking. I would think any pregnant woman would take care to help their child grow and develop to be the smartest best person they could be. What the pregnant mother does affects their child ALL of their lives.

What is the condition called with the problems to the fetus due to the mother smoking during pregnancy?

If you smoke during pregnancy will result to intrauterine retarded growth because nicotine can constrict blood vessel.

How does the nutrition of the mother affect the fetus?

Yes. The fetus can't decide what to eat or drink, it gets everything from the mother. If the mother gets what she needs, then the fetus can get what it needs. If the mother is eating junk, then the fetus is getting junk. If the mother does drugs, some of those are passed on to the fetus as well. Sometimes, babies born by addicted mothers have to go straight to rehab to cure them of their addicitions.

What Structure pushes fetus out of the mother?

The structure that pushes the fetus out of the mother is called the uterus.

Can a fetus survive when mother is a and fetus is b blood group?

Yes, there is no danger to the fetus is the mother is type A and baby is type B