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13y ago

It doesn't. Nitrogen in its natural gaseous state is triple bonded and not broken down by plants or animals. Nitrogen must be fixed by bacteria the live symbioticly with plants so that the plants can use the nitrogen. ( the bacteria get sugar in this process ) Animals then get their nitrogen from consuming plants and other animals.

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Q: How does nitrogen from the air get into the bodies of plants and animals?
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Where does plants get nitrogen?

when animals eat plants,they get nitrogen compounds that their bodies need.plants do not make these nitrogen compounds. so from where do plants get their nitrogen compounds/ from the air

How do most animals get nitrogen?

From plants or air.

How does nitrogen enter the human body?

A lot of comes from the air. The air you breathe is around 78 percent nitrogen, so nitrogen enters your body with every breath. Rhizobium bacteria is present in leguminous plants in their roots which extract nitrogen from the soil. These are generally present in dicot-seed plants. When you consume these plants, nitrogen enters your body. Another way that nitrogen enters the body is through eating meat. When animals eat plants, those plants have nitrate in them which contains nitrogen so the animals have nitrogen in them now. Then, humans eat the meat from the animals, adding some nitrogen to our bodies.

What organisms are related to the nitrogen cycle?

All animals and plants. The air is 78% nitrogen.

Can humans get the nitrogen they need to exist in the air?

Plants and animals die and decomposers break down their nitrogen containing molecules to ammonia. All animals get the nitrogen they need by eating plants, by eating other animals that ate plants, or by eating animals that ate animals that ate plants.

Can animals use nitrogen directly from the atmosphere?

no plants and animals cannot use nitrogen straight out of the air every time we take a breath you breath it in but it goes through nitrogen fixation to let us humans animals and plants to use it.

Which process returns nitrogen into the air?

decomposition, because once animals or plants die, the nitrogen is then returned to the air.

The way nitrogen moves between the air soil plants and animals is called the?

nitrogen cycle

What are the different ways by nitrogen in the air reaches the soil?

Nitrogen can enter the soil from plants such as legumes which fix nitrogen in their roots. Also dead plants and animals add nitrogen into the soil.

How do humans and animals get nitrogen?

Nitrogen starts in soil and becomes useful nitrogen for plants and it gets passed on to animals. Decomposers would eat nitrogen-rich dead organisms and some of the nitrogen goes back into the soil.

What is the process in which nitrogen circulates among the air soil water plants and animals in an ecosystem?


What is the process in which nitrogen circulated among the air soil water plants and animals in an ecosystem?