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Q: How does nitrogen return to the air for the cycle to begin again?
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How is nitrogen cycle?

when nitrogen go from soil to back in atmosphere due to nitrogen fixing bacteria then it again return to soil due to lightning, dead animals, roots of plants and by other ways. and again go to atmosphere in this way nitrogen cycled.

What is the transfer of nitrogen from the atmosphere to plants and back to the atmosphere or directly into plants again?

Nitrogen cycle

Bacteria return nitrogen to the soil by which process?

The role of bacteria in the Nitrogen Cycle is to perform biological nitrogen fixation. This process is an important part of the Nitrogen Cycle because it converts oxygen into ammonia that plants are then able to use.

What part do fish in a lake play in the nitrogen cycle?

Respiration. Also, if the fish die, they slowly return the nitrogen to the air.

How does the carbon cycle work with the nitrogen cycle?

Both of them are different, so both cycles work together. The carbon cycle lets out carbon dioxide and it then transfers it into the trees. The trees get the nitrogen and the cycle starts again.

Is the nitrogen cycle part of the water cycle and the carbon and oxygen cycle?

Yes,we are apart of Nitrogen cycle when a human being decomposed forms NH3 as Decomposition extraction.

How do humans badly affect the nitrogen cycle?

they don't. humans are a part of the nitrogen cycle. we eat it in our food, it stays in our bodies, then it leaves our body when we die so it can be used again.

Am I part of the nitrogen cycle?

Yes. All things are part of the nitrogen cycle. When you die the decomposers breakdown your body into ammonia nh3 a form of nitrogen. It can be used again through bacteria. And a farmer use it on his crops. As fertilizer.

Why is bacteria critical to nitrogen cycle?

Because nitrifying bacteria can fix atmospheric nitrogen in to chemical compounds. This nitrogen fixed by bacteria is utilized by plants in making proteins. Again several microbes including bacteria decompose organic matter in to inorganic compounds. Thus nitrogen cycle is maintained by the activity of bacteria, hence these are critical to nitrogen cycle.

Is exhausted in the carbon or nitrogen cycle?

it is in the nitrogen cycle

How do you be part of the nitrogen cycle?

We get Nitrogen compounds into our bodies through protein food we eat. This Nitrogen is again released to the environment by excretion. Also after animals are dead the nitrogen is released to the environment by decaying.

How do plants transfer nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle?

Plants transfer nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle through assimilation.