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To file a bodily injury claim one must first go to the ER or a doctor to have the injuries documented. Then you would file a claim with the responsible party's insurance company and they will ask for access to your medical records. After the insurance company reviews your files, they will send you an offer for compensation.

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Q: How does one go about filing a bodily injury claim?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a Bodily Injury claim and a Liability claim?

A bodily injury claim is a liablity claim. Most auto policys have three (could be many more) liability coverages; Bodily injury (pays for injuries you cause to another), Property damage (pays for damages to property of others), Uninsured motorist coverage (pays for injuries caused by an uninsured motorist). The bodily injury coverage is one coverage under the liability section of your auto policy.

What insurance covers bodily injury?

In order for one to have insurance cover bodily injury one would have to have bodily injury insurance. This is good insurance to have as it would cover injuries to any persons that one injures in an accident. This liability insurance would cover any amount one is obligated to pay for injuries sustained and related costs.

How does one file an auto accident claim?

"The process of filing an auto accident claim varies from company to company. It is reccommended that one document the event requiring the filing of a claim as thoroughly as possible, and that these details are kept handy while the claim is filed."

How serious does an injury have to be for an injury claim?

For an injury claim to be made, the injury has to be done on the job and be such that it makes the duties of your job unperformable for any length of time. A doctor is the one that needs to assess the injury and file the claim with the workers compensation company. The assessment will then be made for the injured.

Where could one find information on making an industrial injury claim?

You can find information on making an industrial injury claim by contacting your lawyer. You can also check out gov for information resulting industrial injury claim.

Can the auto insurance check be made out to me?

If the claim is one for property damage and the insurer is paying for the repairs, the check is usually made payable jointly to the body shop and the insured. If the claim is one for damages for bodily injury and the insured was represented by an attorney, the check is normally payable jointly to the lawyer and to the insured. If the claim is made by a third party, you, as theinsured, are not named on it.

What is the statute of limitations on filing a hail damage claim in Texas?

one year to make a claim.

Where can one find information regarding a personal injury accident claim?

One can find information regarding a personal injury accident claim on the state government's website. They list all personal injury claims on their website to read.

Where can one find a list of lawyers specializing in bodily injury liability?

There are various websites and resources that offer information on lawyers specializing in bodily injury liability. Some of these websites that offer information are the Attorneys website and various law firms.

How much extra does bodily injury liability car insurance cost per year, on average?

Extra bodily injury insurance can easily be added to your policy. It may cost an extra one hundred to one thousand dollars per year, depending on the extent of coverage and your insurer.

How can one claim an injury lawsuit?

"When claiming an injury lawsuit, you have to do it in a certain time period. You also need lots of documentation to prove the injury."

Who decides if you can file an insurance claim?

You do. You can always file a claim. The insurance company may not honor the claim and may reject it, but they can't stop you from filing one.