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For those who want to gain weight the healthy way, eat a well balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads, and drink lots of water. Limit your sugars (not counting raw fruits) and especially artificial sweeteners. Eat meat, milk, eggs, and cheese in small and infrequent portions. You can also be vegetarian/vegan and gain healthy weight. Vegans have a stronger immune system, sleep better, report a higher satisfaction of life, and live around 10 years longer than those who consume animal products. Your body needs a vast array of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to function optimally. Most people in the modern world do not eat a well balanced diet. This can lead to physical problems, but it more often leads to mental problems yet no one seems to be able to understand that your diet affects your state of well-being. In order to gain weight, you can increase the intake of proteins or can use the alternative which is protein shakes. Top bulking prohormones also helps in gaining weight and if you do the workout properly then the results can be seen very frequent. Unlike eggs and vegetables you can't buy them from anywhere so visit a genuine store like and make a daily routine of workout and diet and see the results.

For those who want to loose weight: weight is gained by eating more than what your body needs. Not eating a balanced diet causes your body to overcompensate and store up energy for the future (i.e. eating way too much bread). Stress can cause you to gain weight as well...this is usually due to the fact that people will eat to calm themselves down or for comfort. Salty meals can also give the appearance that one has gained a few pounds. Salt absorbs water, so instead of the water naturally going out of your system, it stays absorbed into the salt. To make sure your scale and body are coinciding, drink plenty of water, avoid salty foods, and weigh yourself first thing in the morning before eating and after going to the bathroom (if you need to do so) and wear as little clothing as possible. Jeans, boots, and a sweater can add up to 5 pounds. Even summer attire can add a couple of extra pounds.

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7y ago
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13y ago

you can put on weight by eating to much of fast food ex:burger king , ect.

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9y ago

To increase your weight, you want to eat a lot of protein. You should also exercise so that this weight does not turn into fat. Exercising can help it turn into muscle.

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15y ago

If you consume more calories then your body needs, it will be stored as fat.

Example eating 3000 calories when you only require 2400 means you will gain weight.

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