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If the problem is due to an infection the vet will give your cat antibiotics. If it is due to irritation or colitis, vets will give them a prescription medicine called Cat Gastrafate. The same company that makes Cat Gastrafate also makes a little known over-the-counter medicine called Feline Gastralox. It works great and is only a fraction of the price of what the full blown prescription version costs.

Do not give your cat anything prescribed for people, since they are highly sensitive to drugs.

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10y ago

There are many things that may be causing this problem. Switching the cat food may be one of your simplest options. Sometimes the food doesn't agree with their tummies. Sometimes home cooked meals may be the best for your cat. Recipes can be found on various websites. This may also be a job for your cats vet. Your cat may be sick and need some medications. Be sure to keep your cat hydrated with lots of water. Diarrhea can cause dehydration with loss of fluids.

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Just a few doses of Feline Gastralox is all you need. Find it at

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Q: How does one treat cat diarrhea?
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What are some ways to treat diarrhea in dogs?

One of the most effective ways to treat diarrhea is to take 'Imodium'. Imodium is an opioid drug used specifically to treat diarrhea. One can also use products such as 'Dioralyte' which will prevent one from becoming dehydrated from diarrhea.

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An antidiarrheic is an agent used to prevent or treat diarrhea.

Where can one find information on the causes of cat diarrhea?

It is possible to find information about cat diarrhea either online or in casual books. If one decides to go online you should be sure not to take every answer you can find on Wikipedia

Things you can do at home for diarrhea in cats?

If your cat has diarrhea, get him Feline Gastralox.

Can my cat get Diarrhea before she goes into labor?

If your asking is it normal for you to have diarrhea after your cat gives birth no. If your asking is it normal for the cat to have diarrhea after giving birth then yes it can happen just make sure your cat keeps drinking

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If you ferret has diarrhea, it's a symptom that could be caused by one of several diseases or illnesses in ferrets and can only be diagnosed by a veterinarian.

What do you get your cat for Christmas?

get him or her a wiskers cat stocking For Christmas its a good treat for him or her i got one for my cat he loved it and he was misuivious

How do I stop my cat's diarrhea?

The first step to stopping a cat's diarrhea would be to change their food/diet as their stomach may have a problem with the food they're currently eating - feeding them bland recipes should help. Fasting for 12-24 hours while allowing them to drink water may also clear the problem. Certain medications may also help treat your cat's diarrhea, though a vet's opinion and permission should be obtained first.

What is on sale to treat diarrhea in infants?

Pedialytle is generally considered to be a good over the counter remedy used to treat diarrhea in infants. yogurt is also a well known remedy to help infants with diarrhea.

How can one learn a cat tricks?

One can teach a cat tricks by prompting a cat to do acts with a reward as a way of thanking the cat. The reward can be a special toy or a special cat treat.

Is milk from the store good for your cat?

No. Cow's milk can give a cat diarrhea.

How do you treat diarrhea in rats?

Try giving it an enema.