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Q: How does organizational values and norms influence the work ethos?
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What determinants of organizational behavior?

Determinants of organizational behavior include individual factors (personality, values, attitude), group dynamics (teamwork, leadership style, communication), organizational culture (values, norms, traditions) and external environment (market conditions, competition, regulatory environment). These factors influence how individuals behave within an organization and collectively impact its performance and success.

How to define organizational culture?

It is the set of shared values and norms that control the organisational members interactions with each other and with supp;iers, customers and people outside the organisation.

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Difference between values and norms?

values are standard that are culturer accepted norms are generally accepted

What is the difference between espoused and enacted values?

espoused values stated values and norms preferred by organization meanwhile enacted values are norms that are exhibited by employees

How about Malaysia organizational culture?

In fact culture is a global happening and derived from many external environments such as economic, legal, political, religious values, norms and traditions that a society hold. The organizational culture in Malaysia is considered unique and have not provided consistent evidence.

How do you distinguish between norms and values?

Ama_norms and values ayizinto ezibalulekile ngoba enye iyancoma enye iyagxeka. NORMS angiwazi kanti VALUES ikuthanda into noma ukungayifuni

What are the society's Values Norms and culture?

Norms are basically customs or tradition.

What are enacted values?

enacted values are norms that are exhibited by employees

What is meant by misbehaviour in organisational behavior?

Any intentional action by members of organization that defies and violates shared organizational norms and expectations, and core societal values, mores and standards of proper conduct.

What is organizational conformity?

Organizational conformity is a set of rules, norms, goals and missions shared by each part of an organization that do not change within.

List out various dimensions and determinants of organizational climate and their relevance in organizational functioning?

Determinants of organizational climate include culture, structure, roles, cohesion, trust, autonomy, support, resource, fairness, recognition, innovation, values and norms. Practicing these issues in an organization helps to ensure unity, cooperation, improves employees' organization and ensures growth.