

How does over fishing affect the clownfish?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Some speciesism of fish will start to end

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Germaine Erdman

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9y ago

Some speciesism of fish will start to end

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Q: How does over fishing affect the clownfish?
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Where do you find clownfish on Minecraft?

You can obtain a clownfish by using the fishing rod. There is a 1.7% chance of reeling in a clownfish with a non-enchanted rod. Your odds increase if it is enchanted.

How does over fishing affect the survival of living things in antarctica?

There is no commercial fishing -- thus no 'over-fishing' -- in Antarctica based on the the Antarctic Treaty.

What is the largest species of Clownfish?

The largest species of Clownfish is the Maroon Clownfish. It can reach a little over 7 inches long.

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yes because black sea urchins are fished for their roe.

How do sea anemones affect other sea creatures?

Anemones provide food and shelter for clownfish. Clownfish appear to be the only fish that can resist the anemone's stinging poison. When an unsuspecting bigger fish tries to eat the clownfish the clownfish ducks into the anemone and the big fish gets shocked to death by the poison. Then the anemone eats the fish and the clownfish gets the scraps which is fine by it.

How many different types of clownfish are there?

Heres all the ones I know: -Common Clownfish -Orange Skunk Clownfish -Maroon Clownfish -Pink Skunk Clownfish -Red sea Clownfish -Barrier Reef clownfish -Clark's Clownfish -Cap Clownfish !

What problems might occur in Antarctica if minerals were mined and fishing was allowed on a bigger scale?

the good minerals underneath the ice will be taken out and it could affect Antartica. The over fishing could be a major disruption in food

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I need an answer!

How will oil affect fishing?

It will kill the fishes

Does over fishing effect the weedy sea dragon?

no. The sea dragon eats plangton and other small organisms so overfishing does not affect it.

Is there an lps clownfish?

no there is not an lps clownfish.

How many young does a clownfish produce?

they may have over one millon eggs at a time