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they spend more time and energy in expanding the colony and looking for food sources.

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Q: How does overpopulation affect the behavior of an ant colony?
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Would a pheromone released by a red-ant species affect the behavior of a member of a black-ant colony?

The pheromone of a red ant specie would affect the behavior of a black ant colony. The black ant colony would sense an enemy, and search for the intruder.

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Is there any king in ant colony?

NO, there is no king in an ant colony :)

Is there a such thing as a queen ant?

A queen ant is an adult, mated female ant in an ant colony; generally the mother of all the other ants in that colony.

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If you kill the queen of an ant colony does it confuse the colony?

The colony cannot function without the queen. This is the basis of ant bait pest control.

What is a community of ant's called?

One word for it is an ant colony. A community of ants is called a colony. Hope this helped with something. If you need to know any other names for animals then go to and type in your question.

What is the home of an ant?

The colony, known colloquially as the "Ant Hill"

What are the decomposers of the ant colony?

The decomposers of the ant colony are the ants that eat the dead. Ants that die in the colony are fed to the decomposers and the queen ant. Ants are naturally decomposers because they feed off dead things.

Why do every ant nest have a queen?

An ant nest or a colony have a queen because the queen is the only ant in the whole colony that is able to lay eggs.

What do you call the house of the ants?

The house of ants is called an ant colony or an ant mound. Some people also use the term nest.

What is Another call for ants house?

An Ant Hill or Ant Colony.