

How does oxiclean work?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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13y ago

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The oxygen crystaline in the powder activates in water cuasing a chemical reaction that oxidizes the oxygen to give you the stain fighting power.

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1w ago

OxiClean works by using oxygen-based bleach to break down stains and lift them from the fabric. The oxygen molecules in OxiClean target the stain molecules, helping to break them apart and make them easier to remove during the wash cycle. This process helps to brighten fabrics and remove tough stains effectively.

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11y ago

its totally oxiclean that's works.i tested it it gets the tough stains out.

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OxiClean was invented in 1997 by a scientist named Max Appel. It was originally developed as a non-toxic cleaning product that could effectively remove stains without the use of harsh chemicals.

Does oxi clean work on leather?

Don't use Oxiclean. It says not to on the package, unfortunately I did not read that before i used it on my leather rug. it dyed it a dark color. I called oxiclean for advice but they had no suggestions. it seems like it "bleached" it but a darker color.

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OxiClean has a pH of around 11.5. It is considered to be alkaline or basic in nature.

When was OxiClean invented?

OxiClean was invented in 1997 by Max Appel. He was inspired by his interest in creating products that would effectively clean and brighten fabrics without using harsh chemicals.

Is oxiclean an emotional or rational buy?

Oxiclean is a great addition to my laundry supplies. I use it very often for stains.

What is the better stain removal out of oxiclean and resolve?

It depends on the type of stain. OxiClean is effective on organic stains like food and grass, while Resolve is better for greasy stains like oil and makeup. For best results, consider the type of stain you are dealing with before choosing between the two products.

Who is going to advertise Oxiclean now?

Without Billy Mays, OxiClean has goneback to just using voice-overs and regular people to do it and demonstrate it as the voice-overs narrate what is happening. There is no real advertiser for OxiClean, now that Billy Mays is gone.

What chemicals are used in oxiclean?

The active ingredient in OxiClean is sodium percarbonate, which breaks down into hydrogen peroxide and soda ash when dissolved in water. Other ingredients may include surfactants, enzymes, and fragrance.

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What year did billy mays first introduce oxiclean on tv as a commercial?

Billy Mays began advertising Orange clean, Oxiclean, and Orange Glo in 1993.

Where can one find information about the brand OxiClean?

Oxiclean are a company specializing in cleaning products especially stain removal. Information about the brand and its products can be found on the Oxiclean website including FAQs and tips on how to use the products. The website has quick and easy access to information such as what to do in a 'stain emergency'.

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