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it depends on the stain you have,I use resolve and it works fine i havent tried oxiclean though >_<

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Q: What is the better stain removal out of oxiclean and resolve?
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Related questions

What are the ingredients for Resolve stain remover?

Baking soda and oxiclean

Where can one find information about the brand OxiClean?

Oxiclean are a company specializing in cleaning products especially stain removal. Information about the brand and its products can be found on the Oxiclean website including FAQs and tips on how to use the products. The website has quick and easy access to information such as what to do in a 'stain emergency'.

Which products provide stain removal from clothes?

You can remove stains from clothes using products such as OxiClean Max Force, Tide Stain Brush and Tide to Go. You can purchase these items from Amazon.

How do I remove ink stains from ink pens?

Ink stain removal depends largely on the type of surface it is on. If there is ink stain on clothing, it is best to dilute it out with rubbing alcohol while the stain is fresh. For deeper stains, a stronger product such as oxiclean will need to be used.

What is the best stain remover?

well it depends which are the one you are using but in my case it is shout. I did an experiment on it.

What is the purpose of oxygen bleach?

Oxygen bleach, such as OxiClean, is a cleaning agent that, when added to water, breaks the bond between the surface and the stain, dirt, odor, etc., that is attached to the surface. It is usually used with laundry for stain removal purposes.

How do you remove a denim stain on fabric shoes?

u dont oxiclean

What are some good tips for chocolate stain removal?

Some tips for chocolate stain removal you can try Clorox 2 or Arm &amp; Hammer. You can also try Resolve Stain Remover and try Finish Liquid Dish Detergent and Tide Boost Pre-Treat Spray. There are many other if you do a search on tips for chocolate stain removal.

How can one clean a nasty stain out of a girls shirt?

Oxiclean can remove many chemicals and substances from clothing. One can clean a nasty stain out of a girls shirt with Oxiclean. Fill a sink with warm water and add a scoop of Oxiclean and let the shirt rest for an hour or more. Once done, wash and launder the shirt, and it will be clean.

Does the resolve stain stick work better than the resolve spray?

I use both, and find they both work well. I keep the stick for when it will be several days before I do a load of laundry - it keeps the stain from setting.

How do you remove ink from washing machine?

OK, so I'm 1/2 way there. So far, I've used these different products with the following results: Bleach

What are some highly recommended stain removers?

There are many different stain removers on the market. Some very highly recommended stain removers are Shout, Tide Stain Stick, Oxiclean, and Spray N Wash.