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Q: How does paul green describe the letters that he receives from the people back in?
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Writing in green ink or a "green-ink letter" are terms that describe correspondence from obsessively eccentric people. The kind of folks that send letters to newspapers about aliens, armageddon, or the fake moon-landing.

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What are the adjectives Two sales people tried to sell us this green bike?

Adjectives describe nouns other word don't describe adjectives. So there are no adjectives being described in the sentence but two, sales and green are adjectives.They describe the people and the bike.

What logo has a green letters?

Green Giant

How can you describe the color green?

green is only green

How do you describe a green person?

well, they'd be green

How do people make their letters look different on MySpace?

to make the letters bold <b> to make the letters small <small> to make the letters big <big> or <font size=#> to make the letters a color <font color=red,green,ect> to stop making the letters bold </b>after any word or sentence ect. to stop making the letters small </small> to stop making the letters a color </font color=red,green,ect> to underline <u>

What are some verbs that describe the color green?

could it be "green fingers"''you are green with envy''

How do you describe the color green?

point to something green and say that's green.

Which terms describe best green plants?

green and leafy

What words to describe the colour dark green?

olive, forest green

What green vegetable has 6 letters?

a green pepper??? Maybe Celery? XD