

How does pet Oscars mate?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Oscars are cichlids that lay eggs on hard surfaces. They like flowerpots because they can guard the entrance against predators.

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Q: How does pet Oscars mate?
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Related questions

Can cichlids and Oscars mate?

Oscars are cichlids! They are from the South American group of cichlids. Fish can mate only within the same species. Oscars can only mate with other Oscars.

Can albino Oscars and tiger Oscars mate?

Yes, but i am not sure what patches of color will the baby will have.

What can you do to make your Oscars to mate?

No one can make Oscars mate. Oscars need to be mature and in breeding condition and must also be in a very large tank. They also need to choose their own mate. Sometimes two females will spawn together so their owner thinks they are a pair and then wonders why the eggs never develop into fry. There is no known way to sex Oscars other than by an expert 'venting' them no matter what other people say. Oscars are one of the fish that come under the category of having "No sexual dimorphism".

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no. not for now, at least

How long do Oscars mate for?

A pair of Oscars can mate for life (up to 20 years) if they are not separated somehow. They do tend to slow down as they age though and in my experience loose their fecundity somewhat once they are over 15 years old.

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not sure mate!!

Can Oscars mate anytime?

They will mate when they are ready and can produce a new spawning every 6 to 8 weeks once they start. Provided all their living conditions are perfect for them.

What fish mates the most?

Oscars are the breed of fish that mate the most. However, guppies and trigger fish also mate much more than other breeds of fish.

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Will a rabbit mate if not mature?

While it is an instinct to mate, bunnies are not required to mate to live. For example, a single bunny that is someone's pet will most likely never mate but it is not negatively affected by this.