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Q: How does phishing relate to cyber safety?
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What is cyber safety?

Cyber safety is a process that protects computers and networks. The cyber world is a dangerous place without security and protection.

What are cyber threats?

Cyber threats are anything adversely affecting computer security. This includes malware, phishing, hacking, or anything else that destroys data, compromises computers or steals information.

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What is a spear fishing cyber attack?

It is a targeted phishing attack. See for example:

How would you describe phishing?

Phishing : Cyber criminals send legitimate looking emails to customers of banks and credit card companies asking them to update their account information by clicking on a Web link that sends the customer to an official-looking but actually fake site.

Why is cyber safety so important?

it's not common seriously its obvious

Do You Know What Cyber Safety is... Hello?

cyber safety is being saf about the internet and not to tell anyone any personal information because if you think that you are talking to a 13 year old girl or boy it could be a 50 year old fat guy that lives with their mom still!!!!!!!!!!!LOL Cyber safety is when you don't give out nothing to nobody. LoL you might

What are the most common cyber crimes?

Hacking, Stealing hard wares and soft wares, Denail of service, Email spam, phishing, eavesdropping, Mobile Phone fraud...etc

What safety risks are teenagers exposed to on the Internet?

online sexual solicitation and cyber- bullying

Has Cher Lloyd got any phobias?

she was a victim of cyber bullying and now 'fears for her safety'

What are 3 areas that safety is a concern when dealing with the internet or cyber space?

Privacy,Hackers,and parents