

How does photo-tropism work in plants?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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14y ago

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Plants have a hormone called auxin in them. When a plant is exposed to light and shade this hormone(auxin) reacts. For example: If light falls on the right hand side of the plant, the left hand side would be in the shade. This makes the auxin expand in the shaded area, causing the plant to grow towards the light.

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Q: How does photo-tropism work in plants?
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No, not all plants use phototropism to grow. Phototropism is the growth response of plants to light, where they grow towards a light source. While many plants exhibit phototropism, there are some plants that may not rely heavily on this mechanism for growth.

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Phototropism is when plants grow towards light.

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The plants lean towards the sun is an example of positive phototropism, where plants grow towards a light source.

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Plants bend as they need light for photosynthesis. Its scientific term is phototropism.

Comparition and contraction between phototropism and gravitropism?

If I am not mistaken, phototropism is when plants grow towards the sun. Gravitropism is when plants grow towards the ground.

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The Sunflower plant inflorescence at the time of anthesis move toward the sun due to phototropism.

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The name of the response of plants to light?

Phototropism is the name of the response of plants to light. This process involves the bending of plant parts towards a light source in order to optimize photosynthesis and growth.

A plant sits on a window sill over time the stems of the plant curve toward the light coming in the window this process is called?

This is due to tropic movement(tropism) in plants in which the fixed part of a plant(such as stem) moves in response to a stimulus.If the stimulus is light(as you have asked) then it is termed as Phototropism.And further more stem shows positive phototropism.

What is a prefix for phototropism?

"Photo-" is the prefix for phototropism, which refers to the response of plants to light.