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Photosynthesis reduces atmospheric carbon dioxide by using it as a reactant in a chemical reaction to create stored energy in autotrophic organisms. This is part of the reason environmental activists are trying to prevent forests being cut down - the forests can help mitigate some of the effects of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide and put a slightly brake on global warming.

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Q: How does photosynthesis reduce carbon levels?
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What factors can limit photosynthesis by being either too high or too low?

Photosynthesis can be limited by light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration, and temperature. Temperature must be at an optimum level in order to achieve the best results, while increasing light and carbon dioxide levels both increase the rate of photosynthesis until reaching a plateau. At very high levels, light will damage chlorophyll and reduce the rate of photosynthesis.

What effect does increase have on atmospheric levels of carbon?

An increased level of atmospheric carbon can have a massive impact on photosynthesis. It can boost photosynthesis in plants for example.

Plants can reduce global warming because photosynthesis requires .?

carbon dioxide

How does cellular respiration effect carbon and oxygen in the atmosphere?

Cellular respiration uses oxygen and generates carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and generates oxygen.

Explain How a rain forest is able reduce carbon dioxide and produce oxygen?

A rainforest can reduce carbon-dioxide and produce oxygen by absorbing carbon-dioxide and releasing oxygen through photosynthesis.

Respiration and photosynthesis keep the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere?

fairly constant

How are oxygen and carbon dioxide levels maintained?

Respiratory system

How does the formation of sedimentary rocks reduce carbon dioxide levels?

Because sedimentary rocks are formed from tiny animals which have died and fallen to the sea bed millions of years ago. Due to more substances falling onto the sea bed above the animals, they are pressurized underground. Due to the heat of Earth's core, the animals are burnt under the ground, turning into fossil fuels.These animals contain carbon dioxide, and reduce the levels from the atmosphere by dying and travelling underground. This is how sedimentary rocks are a reason for reduced levels of carbon dioxide in the modern atmosphere.Other reasons are that the carbon dioxide dissolved into oceans which were formed millions of years ago. Also, the formation of plants reduced the carbon dioxide levels due to photosynthesis, as they intake it and do not replace it, as they produce oxygen and glucose as a result of photosynthesis.

What can the government do to reduce the levels of carbon monoxide?

Government should decrees the taxes.

How will the level of carbon in the atmosphere change if humans do nothing to reduce their impact on the carbon cycle?

If humans continue doing nothing to reduce their impact on the carbon cycle then the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will continue to rise.

Could artificial photosynthesis be used to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide?

What gas do plant reduce during photosynthesis?

Plants reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) during photosynthesis. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants take in CO2 from the atmosphere, absorb sunlight, and convert it into glucose (energy) and oxygen. Oxygen is then released back into the air as a byproduct.