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Q: How does police radar have to do with wavelength?
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Which has the longer wavelength radar or light?

Radar has the longer wavelength.

What is a police radar?

A radar that the police use to detect stuff.

How does the wavelength of the waves used in microwaves ovens compare with the wavelength of waves used for radar?

Inches (microwave) vs. Feet (Radar).

What is a police radar detector?

A radar that the police use to detect stuff.

What is the wavelengh of radars?

Basically there are no physical limitations of wavelength where a RADAR unit may operate, thereby it can operate practically on any wavelength from ELF (extremely low frequency) where wavelength can be as high as several hundreds kilometers or in Optical band like Laser RADAR (LADAR) who have wavelength of some microns . The limitations of RADAR operating wavelength is in their geometrical size of devices (transmitters, antennas and Receivers) required to produce such wavelength and their utilization . The following list is typical wavelength used by RADAR applications Search and Early Warning RADAR : >1- 10cm wavelength (HF- C band) Target Tracking RADAR : <10 cm Wavelength (C-band till milimmetric waveband) hope this helps

What uses microwave radar?

No. Radar use electromagnetic radiation of a much longer wavelength

Do they make a detector that locates police?

There is a device called a radar detector, but it will only detect a radar signal, not police in general.

What is a scanning wavelength that can penetrate cloud cover called?

A scanning wavelength that can penetrate cloud cover is called radar. When the wave hits a solid surface, such as a plane, it bounces a signal back to the radar unit.

How does a police radar work?

i don't the answer

Do the police have to show you the radar in Illinois?

It is not a requirement to show RADAR readings in Illinois.

How does the wavelength of waves used in the microwave ovens compare with the wavelength of waves used for radar?

The wavelength used in the microwave oven is about 12 centimeters. (rounded) In the early days, there were radar systems that used wavelengths longer than that, but there haven't been any for several decades now.

What are the benefits of having a radar detector?

Having a radar detector will alert you when a Police Car with its speed radar is near. The Radar Detectors will produce an audible signal alerting you of this, and will do so far in advance of when you are able to see the Police Car.