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well if your in a communist country like i am anti communist games are banned

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Q: How does politics affect video games systems?
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How do video games affect memory?

the saves and content go to your systems memory

Are the sims 2 games considered as video games?

Yes they are on video game systems and you can play them!

Why is programming necessary for video games?

Video games are programs written for video game systems, just like the programs on your computer. If video games weren't programmed, they could not exist.

How video games affect children?

Video games can make no difference or a huge one. I got my first video game, the Game Boy at age five. it came with about 5-10 games and I played it non-stop. Currently I am looking for a Famicom on eBay, and I have over 500 individual games for various systems from the 70's to the present.

Do video games affect dogs?

Video games can affect everyone and everything around you if you negelect your basic duties in favor of playing video games. Things like, ignoring your pets, family, relatives, letting your sink pile up with dishes, etc. So long as you keep your dog fed, video games will not affect him/her.

How do you play Japanese video games on US systems?

you don't.

Why video games affect your brain?

Ask your teacher

What are the video games systems starting with the Atari?

I don't know the answer dude.

Video card ram affect what games can be played?


How have video games affected daily living?

It does't affect it.

Do video games affect vision temporarily?

Yes, video games affect your vision for only about 20 seconds. It depends how long you have been playing and how many times you looked away.

When where games systems thought of?

Sorry for not much of a specific answer, but video games were invented in 1968. I think lol