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fdg fosil fuels are great for transportation

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Q: How does power plants run on fossil fuels?
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Why do power plants burn fossil fuels?

Power plants like Thermal Power Plant burn fossil fuels to heat water and then water turn into steam that creates enough pressure to run the turbines.Turbines rotate and electricity is formed.

What do power plant generators run on?

The vast majority run on fossil fuels. There are also nuclear, wind, hydro power stations or plants. In some places there are geothermal power plants.

What are the disadvantges of fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels depend upon the material laid down millions of years ago, and really represent 'stored sunlight'. But they will run out! They cannot last forever. And they produce CO2 as a by-product that will harm the atmosphere of the Earth. In the long run we will have to rely on renewable fuels, and on nuclear power plants. But even these nuclear plants will eventually run out of fuel.

Why do you run out of fossil fuels quickly?

Because fossil fuels are made of dead plants and animals and it takes millions of years to form and we use them to much and fast and we start to run out

Why should you build more nuclear power plants for electricity?

Because fossil fuels will run out. We need electricity in megawatt amounts. The only viable alternative is nuclear fuels.

Is there a better alternative if fossil fuels run out?

yes nuclear power

It is possible that you are using fossil fuels?

Personally I used fossil fuels today to boil my kettle, run my laptop on the internet, drive to the shops. Later I will cook my evening meal. All these things use fossil fuels. Electric power uses fossil fuels that are burnt at the nearest power plant.

Why do we need solar power plants?

Solar power is a great example of renewable energy, which can help reduce our dependency on fossil fuels, which will run out eventually.we solar power becuse to make stuff better

Are fossil fuels limited?

Yes, fossil fuels are limited. A highly controversial debate is what the world will do once fossil fuels run out.

What statement about fossils fuels is not true?

Fossil fuels are clean burning and will not be bad for the environment. We will never run out of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are good for our health. These are a few that are not true about fossil fuels.

What is a sentence with the word fossil fuels?

Eventually, fossil fuels will run out.Fossil fuels cause a lot of pollution.

I would like to know what makes a green power generator run.?

Green power generators run on renewable resources such as solar power or water power. They do not use fossil fuels or other fuels of a finite source.