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a. chromatids do not separate at the centromere in anaphase I.

b. centromeres do not exist in anaphase I.

c. crossing-over occurs only in anaphase of miitosis

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In prophase of mitosis the sister chromatids prepare to be separated into two daughter cells. Mitosis creates two daughter cells that each contain the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. (2n)

In prophase I of meiosis, the homologous chromosomes prepare to be separated. Meiosis I produces two daughter cells with 1/2 the number of chromosomes of the parent cell.

Prophase II of meiosis is very similar to prophase of mitosis. In prophase II, the sister chromatids prepare to separate.

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What is the difference between prophase mitosis and prophase meiosis?

In prophase I of meiosis, crossing over of homologous chromosomes occurs. This does not happen in prophase of mitosis.

Is prometaphase in meiosis?

No, prometaphase is a stage in mitosis, not meiosis. In meiosis, there is a prophase I stage that is similar to prometaphase in mitosis.

How are meiosis and mitosis similar?

they both have a prophase and an anaphase.

When does crossing over happen in mitosis 1?

Mitosis does its crossing over in prophase

Which of the following occurs in meiosis but not mitosis?

Meiosis is the division of the gametes(sex cells), haploid (n) Mitosis is cell division, diploid (2n) In meiosis, there are the similar cycles (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase), but there are two cycles of each (ex: prophase 1, prophase 2 ETC).

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There are Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Triphase. The two that are opposite are Interphase and Anaphase.

What stage does chromatin condense to chromosomes?

During mitosis, chromosomes are in their most condensed form during metaphase

How does metaphase 1 differ from metaphase of mitosis?

It differs because in meiosis the cell in prophase 1 just crosses over and that is really the only difference in the two.

How are mitosis are meiosis similar?

They have many similar steps they both have a prophase and an anaphase

Do meisosis and mitosis have metaphase?

Mitosis for sure has metaphase. Scientists are guessing that meiosis has it too, but they combine it and make it "prometaphase," because prophase and metaphase happens so fast in meiosis.

How is mitosis similar to mitosis?

Both meiosis and mitosis are forms of cell reproduction.They both have a prophase and an anaphase.Both are forms of cell reproduction/Both are forms of nuclear division. Meiosis occurs in generative cells and mitosis in somatic cells.

What stage of meiosis when chromosomes condense?

The chromosomes condense in prophase of mitosis.