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We have chose a football competition because most of the Youth people like to play football.

Nowadays, football has become one of the most popular game in the world and it has a lot of positive impacts that we are going to discuss it.

First positive impact is MAKE FRIENDSHIP :

when the players from different countries and different nations meet each others and play against each others that give them a chance to know each others and sharing a good times together.

Second positive impact is BODEY HEALTH :

Playing football will help the players to have a better health and football will give you six pack

and it will build your leg strength and it will increase your concentration span and foot ball helps to recover from many diseases like Heart disease and many more disease.

Third positive impact is SKILLS DEVELOPMENT :

When the people play more they will have a skills on football and when they have the skills they

will enjoy playing it because if the people doesn’t have the skills they will not play it and there friend

will not ask them to play with them so in our competition we give all the people a gance to play and

enjoy there time and prove there self as a players.

Fours positive impact is FILL LEISURE :

Some times people have nothing to do in there free time so our football competition was good for

those people who have nothing to do in that moment .

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Inferiority,demoralizing,dehumanizing,grievances,hatred and so on

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