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Radiation therapy, properly dosed, kills the faster dividing cancer cells at a significantly higher rate than the more slowly dividing healthy cells.

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Q: How does radiation cure diseases?
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Can radiation cure diseases?

Radiation therapy can be used to treat certain types of cancer by targeting and destroying cancer cells. It is not a cure for all diseases, but it plays a critical role in cancer treatment and can help improve outcomes for patients. Radiation therapy is often used in conjunction with other treatments such as surgery and chemotherapy.

Is radiation can cure dertain diseases?

Radiation therapy is typically used to treat certain types of skin conditions; as well as certain types of cancer.

Radiation can cure certain diseases true or false?

That is true. It is usually used to treat skin conditions and certain cancers.

Uses of mango leaf to cure diseases?

it can cure your wounds

What is the cure of all stomach diseases that cure it forever?

Such a cure has not yet been discovered.

What part of the sampaguita flower can cure eye diseases?

Its the enzyme in the petals of sampaguita that helps cure eye diseases.

What can you do to help cure helminthophobia?

please visit cure for the diseases

What kind of insectes can cure diseases?

Moquedos in D.C can cure deseases.

What are the diseases that comes from the parents to their off springs and its cure?

Diseases that are passed from the parents to their offspring are called Hereditary diseases. Whether or not there is a cure or treatment would depend on what disease it is.

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What can Immunization cure?

Immunizations don't cure anything. They help prevent diseases, not cure them! Hope I helped!

How do you cure skeleton diseases?

I think you mean something like osteoporosis, of which there is no cure.