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People need trees to make papers and therefore, if used papers are recycled into new papers, the need for cutting down another tree in order to make paper is reduced. :)


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Q: How does recycling paper save natural resources?
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Why does precycling save more resources than recycling does?

why percycling saves more resources than recycling does is we keep on using paper cups and we could be using cups.The same thing with paper plates we keep on using paper plates and we could be using plates.

Supporting detail of conserving natural resources?

If we recyle paper we save trees

Recycling is a good way to save resources by?

A good way to save resources is by recycling reusable materials instead of just throwing them in a landfill.

How can you save finite resources?

we can save resources in many different ways, but recycling is crucial

What is recycling of materials?

At its very core, recycling is the process of using a material again rather than throwing it away. Through the process of recycling, valuable materials such as plastics, cardboard, paper, and metal are processed into new products in order to keep them out of landfills, reduce energy and water consumption, minimize pollution, and save raw natural resources.

Advantages of recycling paper?

Paper recycling & paper shredding is good for environment & planet. Through paper recycling you can save trees, oil, water & electricity which is used to make new paper.

Why is recycling a good thing?

recycling can save the environment and could save millions of tree's. except for the fact the only reason that those trees are being cut down is because of the reduction of tree farms. which is the result of paper recycling, as it stands there is nothing really good about recycling.

How many trees can you save by recycling A tone of paper?


What is paper recycling?

Paper recycling is the process of converting used paper products into new paper. This helps to save natural resources, reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, and decrease energy consumption compared to making paper from raw materials. It involves collecting, sorting, cleaning, pulping, and reprocessing the used paper to create new paper products.

What is the use of recylcing paper?

the use of recycling paper is to save trees to prevent soil erosion

What does recycling paper help save?

it saves wastes and stuff of stuff

Does recycling paper reduce global warming?

i know that recycling paper could reduce pollution not global warming but the important thing is that it could save the planet