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Even if a jury has decided on a defendent's guilt in the guilty phase of a capital murder case, if there remains a small residual doubt after that they can recommend a life sentence instead of the death penalty in the penalty phase of the trial.

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Related questions

What is the mandatory sentencing for a person who commits capital murder in Texas?

If convicted of capital murder in Texas, and they do not receive the death penalty then it will be life without parole.

What is the sentence for capitol murder?

Most states' statutes provide the death penalty or life imprisonment for capital murder.

What do you have to do to get capital murder?

The offenses that can apply to a capital murder conviction (a death sentence) vary from state to state; there are various designated elements to a murder that elevates the crime to qualify for the death penalty. Some of these might be torture with murder, murder of a law enforcement officer, multiple murders, etc.

What is the definition of capital murder?

"The unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse." This is potentially the law of Arkansas. I don't know. However, capital murder varies greatly by state. Typically, it is premeditated killing. Then, the jury can decide in sentencing whether they should punish with the state's 1st degree murder non-capital or their capital. There is typically no real definition and it is just a crapshoot.

What crimes are capital crimes?

Any crimes subject to the death penalty. In the US, they have to involve murder (although treason is still listed as a capital crime, it has not been tested).

Why don't they kill people who kill others?

We do. It's called capital punishment. Experts say the death penalty does not deter murder.

What are the myths concerning capital punishment?

Myth: The death penalty acts as a deterrent to future capital punishment. This is wrong because, simply, there is no empirical basis for the claim. Ironically, studies have shown that murder rates in non-death penalty states are lower than they are in states that actually enforce the death penalty.

What is the penalty for attempting to kill someone but they dont die?

Attempted murder carries the same penalty as murder.

What crimes would require the death penalty in Illinois?

In order to be eligible for the death penalty in the state of Illinois a person must be found guilty of capital murder which means aggrivated circumstances, or the intent of the killer.

Can they drop a capital charge to a lesser charge?

Yes, though this is at discretion of the Prosecutor and Judge. Such as, you may be facing Capital Murder, instead of getting the death penalty you might be asked to plead guilty to 2nd Degree Murder and receive life without parole.

How long does a convict serve in Texas on a life sentence for capital murder?

For Texas cases, the answer is it varies depending on the crime and the decision of the Parole Board.For capital murder: as of September 1, 2005, Texas will have a life without the possibility of parole option for capital murder. The capital murder defendant sentenced to life in prison before September 1, 2005, is parole eligible after serving forty years.

Does the death penalty deter crimes in Texas?

The level of deterrence is not really measurable. It is believed that it has reduced the level of capital crimes, but the actual levels would be pretty difficult to quantify due to all the other possible factors.