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Q: How does revere's presentation of the colonial victims seem especially designed to inflame the feelings of the viewer?
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Can robots have feelings?

Yes. They are currently building a robot designed to go to the moon. I believe it has feelings. Even if it doesn't, they have made robots with feelings.

Identify some of the steps that led to growing feelings of colonial unity?

crack cocaine

What is the difference between feelings and behaviour?

Feelings are internal emotional responses that individuals experience, such as happiness, sadness, or anger. Behavior refers to how individuals express or act upon these feelings outwardly, such as through actions, gestures, or verbal communication. Feelings are subjective and personal, while behaviors are observable and can be influenced by various internal and external factors.

What does feel mean?

Feelings means emotion.The word 'feelings' means emotional or moral sensitivity (especially in relation to personal principles or dignity)

What do you do when you like someone other than your girlfriend?

That would depend on if you want to act on those feelings and especially how you feel towards your girlfriend. If you are not sure and confused of your feelings the best thing you could do is to let your girlfriend go and take time for yourself to sort your feelings out as you cannot be in a committed relationship while having feelings outside it. Don't jump right into another relationship especially when your not sure where all your feelings ly.

What countries' independence movements were ignited by feelings of nationalism?

India because the people began to get upset that their country was a part of the British colonial empire.

What brings out sexual feelings?

Sexual feelings are induced by hormonal reactions in the body. The sex hormones your body produce chemicals causing the sexual feelings. The result is an intense sexual feeling mentally or physically, especially in the genital area.

Is there racism in Dominican Republics?

Yes. As there is in pretty much every post-colonial country. They are especially racist against darker skinned people, because of their feelings about Haiti. My ex-mother-in-law told me that on your Identification Card in the Dominican Republic states your race as either White, Light-skinned Indianm or Dark-skinned Indian, because "There are no black people in DR." I don't know how true that is, but it is indicative of feelings towards blacks and Haitians.

What is a dramatic presentation featuring only one character?

A dramatic presentation featuring only one character is known as a "monologue." This is a solo speech or performance given by a single actor that can convey a character's thoughts, feelings, or experiences to an audience. Monologues are commonly found in plays, films, and spoken word performances.

Why is the show of emotions and feelings important to a dance movement?

because if you have no feeling or emotions to your dance your presentation is not good that's why the feeling and the emotions is important to dance. THAT'S ALL THANK YOU <3 .

What is anthropomorphic error?

the error of attributing human thoughts, feelings, or motives to animals, especially as way of explaining their behavior

Does Len have feelings for Miku?

The Vocaloids were designed without any relationship backstories. However, there are a lot of fans that pair Len with Miku. There are also many fanmade Vocaloid songs that feature Len having feelings for Miku.