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There are two questions here: how does same-sex parenting affect children, and how does marriage affect children. To deal with the second question first, it's largely a matter of what legal rights and responsibilities parents and children have toward each other. (For example, the consequences of divorce are very different from the consequences of the "break up" of an unmarried couple.) As a general rule, legal issues are simpler if the couple is married. (Another example: the authority to authorize medical treatment in an emergency.)

I don't think anyone seriously questions the assertion that it's easier to raise a child if you have another adult around. It really does "take a village" to raise a child. But there's no evidence that heterosexual couples are any more effective than same-sex couples at raising children.

Children raised in same-sex households (married or not) may face prejudice in school and other social situations. Like it or not, same-sex couples will have the additional burden of helping their children deal with this challenge.

Of course, children do need "role models." But models of culturally acceptable male and female behaviors are all around us. Parents are responsible for helping their children select appropriate alternatives.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Not exactly, after all Male-Female marriages don't only produce straight children. There are many debated factors that determine the orientation of an offspring - the orientation of the parents is simply not one of them.

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12y ago

One possible way that children might be confused is in trying to understand why their parents' marriage is not legal when some of their friends' parents' marriages are. This might need to be explained to some children.

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12y ago

Pretty much the same way they are raised in opposite-sex marriage. It's important to remember that children are not raised in a vacuum. They interact with their parents' relatives, with their friends' parents, with teachers, and so on -- "It takes a village to raise a child" -- even if the parents are of the same sex!

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12y ago

Of course. All things children are subjected to growing up affects them in one way or another, and straight or gay marriages of their parents are no exception.

Usually, parents are the greatest influence in their child's life, so whatever the parent(s) sees as normal or acceptable, the child will as well.

If they see their parents kissing, male and female, they will see that as being a normal way of showing affection to those of the opposite sex. If they see their parents kissing, male and male, or female and female, they will see that as a normal way of showing affection to the same sex.

It doesn't determine the sexual orientation of the child, as many things play a part in that, but marriages do give them an idea of what is acceptable or usual in their environment.

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