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he steps over thefire

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Q: How does santa go down the chimney if it's lite?
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How does Santa go down the chimney?

Christmas magic

Do my parents really go down the chimney?

No they dont. Santa is 100%real.

Why does Santa go down a chimney?

Because most people's alarm systems are not wired to the chimney and the motion sensors are off at night.

How does Santa go down a small chimney?

Hes magical the world may never know!

How does the Santa Claus go to the children house?

Santa Claus goes down the chimney and puts presents under your tree! Merry Christmas!

What can go down the chimney up the chimney but not up the chimney down the chimney?

an umbrella

Bind it and it walks loose it and it stops?

What may go down the chimney up but not down the chimney down?

What goes up a chimney when down but can't go down the chimney when up?

A chimney.

How does Santa get in your house if he doesn't fit down the chimney?

Well santa can't get into your house becuase he always gets stuck down the chimney but now he can get into your house becuase he has invented a magic key for eveyones house. So he can go in and out of your house without getting stuck!

What happenes is santa does not have a chemney to go down.?

He's magic. You don't need to have a chimney for Santa to go in.He can leave you presents even if you are in a cardboard box.So don't worry.Santa will always be there!

What can go up a chimney down but not a down chimney up?

An umbrella

What goes down the chimney up but cant go up the the chimney down?

An umbrella! It can go up a chimney when it's down because it's thin but cant go down a chimney up because its too big!