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Q: How does science explain occurrence of seasons on earth?
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How do scientists know about the axis of earth?

The axis is an imaginary line drawn thru the north pole and south pole). It helps to understand the occurrence of seasons on Earth. The scientists use the tilt(23.5 degrees) to show how the northern and southern hemispheres get the four seasons. The tilt is always in one direction and as the earth revolves around the Sun we get the seasons on earth.

What are greek myths explain?

they explain everything that happened on earth, like in most myths. Like the weather or why sun rises and the seasons.

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The life science and physical science both try to explain the various phenomenon of life.

What causes earth changing seasons?

earth's elliptical orbit around the sun causes the changes. (science fact: as earth gets closer to the sun, it goes faster.) look up on Google images of "earth's orbit and seasons"

What are two observations that are difficult to explain if the earth is not revolving around the sun?

Seasons, day/night cycles

What causes the different seasons in earth?

Seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth on its axis. When the Southern Hemisphere is facing the sun more directly, it is summer there and winter in the Northern Hemisphere. When the earth is not tilted, it is spring in one place and fall in the other. That was a question on my science test. Weird.

Why is it that when the earth is closest to the sun people in the northern hemisphere experience winter explain why the temperatures on the earth change as you go through the seasons?


What are the two seasons on earth that do not have seasons?

the two seasons on earth that do not have seasons are spring and fall

Amanda is doing a report for her Earth Science class about the four seasons. Which of the following would be an effective scientific model to incorporate in her project?

A study of a tropical region on earth which would demonstrate that the four seasons model is basically flawed. Many places have fewer seasons.

What is the purpose of the myth Demeter and Persephone?

Demeter: to explain the growth of life on Earth. Persephone: to explain the changing seasons every year in Persephone being Queen of the Underworld while the plants die, and goddess of Spring on Earth during her ascension.

Why did Greeks tell mythological stories?

The Greeks made mythological stores because they didn't have the science we have today. They did have science, yes, but they did not think of the Earth rotating, for example, they thought Apollo pulled a sun chariot across the sky. They used the stories to explain the mysteries of their lives. Hope this helps!

What causes seasonal changes on earth's?

earth's elliptical orbit around the sun causes the changes. (science fact: as earth gets closer to the sun, it goes faster.) look up on Google images of "earth's orbit and seasons"