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well, the effect is very basically, scaring of the lungs due to the amount of coughing. in the gas exchange, normally less oxygen is absorbed because of the carbon dioxide from smoking, which normally is the cause of chronic bronchitis. emphysema is just where a person gets loads and loads of infections which makes the person ill, cough alot, get scares on the lungs which weaken them meaning alveoli might not absorb as much oxygen into the blood stream or as much carbon dioxide out of the blood. THIS IS A VERY BASIC TASTE OF THIS, for more, just type this into Google "define: (the name of the disease goes here)"

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11y ago

alpha anti_tripsin is natural product in the lungs which inhibit the action of protease , which is an naturally present enzyme causing the the destruction of lung. . in normal individuals the protease activity in inhibited by antitrypsin. . but in smokers , the nicotine in smoke destructs normal anti trypsin levels causing increase protease enzyme activity and indirectly to destruction of lung structure and function.

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10y ago

In emphysema the walls of the alveolar break down and this results in reduced surface area for gas exchange therefore less amount of air is replenished in the lungs.

Emphysema explains lung tissue that is stretched out causing the tissue to lose shape, therefore bad things happen such as collapsing of the alveoli and air trapping. In short, this means less o2 exchange.

To learn more about Emphysema:

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Q: How does smoking affect gas exchange in the lungs?
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The gas exchange that takes place in the lungs are carbon dioxide and oxygen.

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