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The bigger the particle size, the more drainage the soil would have. The smaller the particle sizer, the less drainage the soil would have. ITS EASY

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Q: How does soil particle size affect drainage?
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Explain how soil particle size would affect infiltration during a period of heavy rain?

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Smaller particle sizes generally result in faster percolation rates because there is less resistance to the flow of liquids through the smaller spaces between the particles. Larger particles create more void spaces and can slow down the percolation rate as the liquid has to travel through these larger spaces. Therefore, finer particles allow liquid to flow more quickly compared to coarser particles.

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How do you measure particle size in soil?

with a set of sieves

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evapoation and soil infiltration.

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How much slope is needed for proper drainage in lawns?

A two percent (or 1:50) is considered a good slope for the drainage of lawn areas. The type of soil you have will also affect drainage. With a more sandy soil a flatter slope may be fine.