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Other than being bitten by an Aedes mosquito, someone can get the dengue virus in their blood through contamination.

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Q: How does someone have the dengue virus in their blood if they have not been bitten by Aedes mosquito?
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What are the agents of dengue?

The Dengue Fever virus carried by a striped Aedes aegypti mosquito that has previously bitten an infected person.

Dengue Fever how it is spread?

By a striped Aedes aegypti mosquito that has previosly bitten an infected person.

What is the micro organisum for dengue fever?

By being bitten by a striped Aedes aegypti mosquito that has previosly bitten an infected person.

What are the agents of dengue fever?

The Dengue Fever virus carried by a striped Aedes aegypti mosquito that has previously bitten an infected person.

What is the symptons of a person bitten by aedes mosquito?

The will develop a mosquito bite which will swell and itch. Further, if the mosquito is carring Dengue Fever, they may catch this disease.

What can the Aedes mosquito cause?

Aedes mosquito is known for spreading malaria.

What is the name of the mosquito that Cary dengue?

female aedes mosquito

What is the name of dengue mosquito?

Anopheles genus-and only females of those species-can transmit malaria.

What is the name of the dengue carrier mosquito?

Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes are the only ones that have the ability to transmit dengue virus to humans. In both species the cause of bite are the females need blood to produce eggs.

How can dengue spread?

Dengue is a flu-like viral disease that is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito (Aedes mosquito). It occurs in the tropical regions of the world and cases in the US are mainly travelers returning from abroad, although, risk is growing for people living along the Texas-Mexico border. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a severe and fatal complication of dengue.

What do you call the female mosquito that carry dengue?

an aedes aegypti mosqutip

What is the type of mosquito that transmit dengue to humans?

Aedes aegyptiAedes Egyptia.