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Q: How does sound get through space helmets?
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Why can astronauts hear on moon if they come close to each other so that their helmets touch?

Normally, to communicate in space, astronauts need radios. This is because sound (in this case, speech) requires a medium (such as air) to move through. In space, since there is no air, astronauts cannot talk to one another directly. However, in your case, the astronauts may converse because their helmets are touching - thus giving the sound waves a medium to move through - the helmets.

How was the space helmet use in exploration?

No oxygen or anything around in space, causing sound to not travel. That where the helmets come in, they have radios that trans-mitt to other helmets. So people can hear.

If an astronaut's communication system breaks down NASA advise them to touch their helmets together WHY?

If you touch your helmets together you can hear each other with out radio. (space does not transmit sound)

Can sound waves move through space?

space is a vacuum, and sound can't move through a vacuum.

Why cant sound trave through empty space?

Why cant sound travel through empty space

Why is it impossible for sound to travel through outer space?

In outer space there is no air medium for travelling of sound it is impossible for sound to travel through outer space ..!!

Why cant you here in space?

Because there is no atmosphere in space, therefore nothing can carry the sound waves of your vocal cords. Sound relies on pressure waves moving through air. Therefore, in the absolute vacuum of space, no sound can be heard at all.

Can astronauts speak in space?

Yes, astronauts talk in space, as they always have acess to oxygen.(using radios)

Why cant sound move through space but light can?

Sound can.

Which do not travel through empty space?

sound cannot travel through empty space.

What type of material can travel through space?

Sound and Light can travel through space.

Is the speed of sound the same in air as it is in outer space?

There is no sound in space. Sound is a wave of energy passing through matter that we can hear, and in space, there is no matter for the sound to pass through, or at least the gasses that are there aren't close enough together.