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One thing we need to know is sound can get transferred only when it hits a medium(like air). The way it travels is by transfering the energy from one particle to the next and so on The sound wave has energy which it would transfer to the object. some part of this energy is tranferred through the object. Some is scattered in all directions

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Q: How does sound interact when it hits an object?
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Echolocation is actually a process- it can't hit anything. In echolocation, high frequency sound waves are sent out by an animal. When these sound waves hit an object, they bounce off of it and reflect back to the animal. The animal can gather information about the object from these sound waves such as its size, shape, and distance.

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An object that begins with a 'yoo' sound is a ukulele.

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I think an object vibrates to make sound.

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Yes, echoes can occur underwater. When a sound wave hits an object, such as the seabed or a submerged object, the sound wave bounces off and returns to the source, creating an echo. The depth and composition of the water, as well as the frequency of the sound wave, can affect the strength and clarity of the echo.

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