

How does sound travel over water?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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14y ago

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Sound waves travel through water in the same manner they do through air. The waves in which produced by the source will take form as the particles of water vibrate in a rhythmic pattern which yield to the specific sounds.

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2mo ago

Sound travels through water in a similar way as it does in air, but at a faster speed due to water being denser. The sound waves create vibrations that travel through the water medium, passing energy from one molecule to the next. This allows sound to propagate over long distances in water, which is why marine animals like whales and dolphins use sound for communication and navigation.

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Sound can travel faster and further over water compared to air, but it does not necessarily get louder. The sound intensity can remain the same, with the medium affecting how far the sound can travel and how well it can be heard.

Can sound travel underwater why?

Yes, sound can travel underwater because water is a denser medium than air, allowing sound waves to travel more efficiently. The speed at which sound travels in water is much faster than in air, which is why whales and dolphins use sound to communicate over long distances.

How far will sound carry over water?

Sound can travel a few kilometers over water, but factors like temperature, humidity, wind speed, and obstacles in the water can affect how far it carries. In general, sound travels further and clearer over water compared to over land due to the more uniform density of water.

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Sound travels faster and further in water compared to air due to water being denser and providing a better medium for sound waves to travel through. In water, sound can travel over longer distances and at higher speeds than in air.

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Yes, the depth density of water can affect the speed and distance that sound travels underwater. In general, sound travels faster in deeper, denser water due to increased pressure, and it can travel over longer distances with less attenuation.

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Why can't sound travel under water?

Sound does travel under water otherwise the Humpback would be wasting its time singing!

Why can sound not travel through a vacumm?

Because sound must have a physical medium through which to travel, like air or water water.

Will sound travel in water?

Yes, sound can travel in water, but it travels faster and farther in water compared to air because water is denser and transmits sound more efficiently. Sound travels around four times faster in water than in air.

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Yes, energy can travel through water in the form of waves, such as sound waves or electromagnetic waves. These waves can propagate through water and carry energy over long distances.

Does sound travel faster through ice snow water or steam?

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Does sound travel faster in heat or water?

Sound doesn't travel in heat. It travels in a physical medium.