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It makes the sound travel further

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Q: Does the depth density of water affect sound underwater?
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What allows us to hear sounds underwater?

The soundwaves caused by sounds made underwater, disrupts the water molecules causing them to vibrate. These vibrations hit our ear drum and is processed into our brain as sounds, but since the vibrations in water are slower then vibrations in air the sounds sound more obsure then if it were not in water.

How does sonar detect underwater objects?

Sonar is when you send sound waves out. They bounce off of objects, letting people know there is an object there. Dolphins and bats, among other animals, use sonar.

How do marine animals navigate?

Cetaceans depend on sound to some degree to sense the ocean environment, and some are known to use echolocation. Echolocation allows these animals to determine the distance of objects (food, predators) and features of the underwater environment (seafloor depth, topography) for navigation purposes. They accomplish this by projecting sounds, called sonar clicks, that are reflected back when the sounds strike an object. The farther away an object is, the longer it takes for the echo to return, allowing the echlocating animal to tell the distance. Echolocation makes it possible to navigate and feed at night and in deep or murky water, or at great distances where visual sensing would be ineffective. For example, a dolphin can detect a target the size of a golf ball almost a football field away, much farther than the dolphin can see underwater. Marine mammals also use underwater vocalizations to communicate with each other. Because sound waves travel efficiently in water, some ocean-dwelling animals are able to communicate over great distances through sound. Based on the few marine mammal species for which hearing has been tested to date, it appears that a given species' hearing is tuned to a broad range of frequencies with the greatest sensitivity typically encompassing the range of vocalizations and echolocation (for echolocating species). Cetaceans depend on sound to some degree to sense the ocean environment, and some are known to use echolocation. Echolocation allows these animals to determine the distance of objects (food, predators) and features of the underwater environment (seafloor depth, topography) for navigation purposes. They accomplish this by projecting sounds, called sonar clicks, that are reflected back when the sounds strike an object. The farther away an object is, the longer it takes for the echo to return, allowing the echlocating animal to tell the distance. Echolocation makes it possible to navigate and feed at night and in deep or murky water, or at great distances where visual sensing would be ineffective. For example, a dolphin can detect a target the size of a golf ball almost a football field away, much farther than the dolphin can see underwater. Marine mammals also use underwater vocalizations to communicate with each other. Because sound waves travel efficiently in water, some ocean-dwelling animals are able to communicate over great distances through sound. Based on the few marine mammal species for which hearing has been tested to date, it appears that a given species' hearing is tuned to a broad range of frequencies with the greatest sensitivity typically encompassing the range of vocalizations and echolocation (for echolocating species).

Do floppy ears affect the hearing of bunnies?

Yes, lop ears affect a rabbit's ears compared to a radar-eared rabbit. Lop-eared rabbits are prone to deafness and hard of hearing due to the muffling of sound waves through their ears. Imagine covering your ears and hearing the world through them. Radar-eared rabbits can easily swivel their ears to capture the most sound without obstruction.

How can people hear sounds?

The humans hear sounds using their ears. When sound waves enter the ear they go through a process making the sound waves translated from vibrations to meaningful explanations and of course the process requires the help of the brain to translate every sound we hear.

Related questions

Can Echoes occur underwater If so how?

Yes, echoes can occur underwater. When a sound wave hits an object, such as the seabed or a submerged object, the sound wave bounces off and returns to the source, creating an echo. The depth and composition of the water, as well as the frequency of the sound wave, can affect the strength and clarity of the echo.

How does density affect the transmission of sound?

The higher the density of an object, the harder it will be for the sound to be transmitted through the object.

What is the sound affect that the Beatles use in their songs yellow submarine and octopus garden?

It was the sound of the movement of a chain underwater.

What factors affect the speed of sound in a medium?

Temperature, coefficient of restitution, density are some of the factors that affect the speed of sound in a medium.

How does the density of the material in the beaker affect how long the sound continued to be heard after the beaker was tapped?

IF the density is low, then there will be an echo

How does the density of a material in the beaker affect how long the sound continued to be heard after the beaker was tapped?

IF the density is low, then there will be an echo

Does the length of a vibrating object affect the sound?

yes. anything that has to do with size or density does.

What three properties of a medium affect the speed of a sound?

The three properties of a medium that affect the speed of sound are elasticity, density, and temperature. Answered by: Nur _ _ _ _ _ _ Izyani

Why sound do not have no constant physical properties?

Sound is a matter wave. It's the pressure wave within a matter medium and as such is not fundamental but depends entirely on the medium and the density there. To explain further, since sound is not an object, but is rather a wave transmitted through the vibrations of a medium (such as air or water), each sound's properties are determined not only by the medium through which it is transmitted, but also by the instrument that generated the sound. Further, even for sound waves generated by the same instrument and transmitted through the same medium, the density of the medium will affect the speed of the sound wave and its rate of degradation. For example, the same sound wave generated in the water on the ocean's surface would behave quite differently when generated at a depth of 200 meters beneath the surface, since as the depth increases, the density of the water increases.

What are three factors that affect the speed of sound in water?

depth, current, temperature, consistency (salt or fresh)

How does the density of a medium affect the speed of a wave?

The greater the density, the faster the wave moves. Sound (a wave) travels faster in steel than in air. Steel has the higher density.

How does the temperature of a material affect the speed of a sound passing through?

on increasing of temperature, density goes low and it is known that density and speed of sound both are directly proportional hence speed of sound decrease when temperature increases esp in gas.