

How does sound travels through liquid?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Sound travels through liquid the same way it travels through air. It sets up pressure waves that travel through the water, just like they do in air. One big difference is that the speed of sound in water is much faster than in air, but the philosophy is the same.

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The same way as it travels through a gas or a solid. Sound waves are just vibrations travelling through a medium (solid; liquid; gas) and liquids such as water are just as good (actually better in this case) candidates for it as is air. This is also of course the reason there's no sound in space - there's no medium for the sound to exist as (after all - sound is a property of a medium).

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12y ago

Sound travels through liquids like it travels through air. It is propageted by the collision of particles.

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Sound is a compression wave that travels via then vibrations of particles. If the particles are closer together then the wave (sound) moves faster. Particles are closer together in a liquid than a gas, therefore sound travels faster through liquids.

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sound can travel in all three media(solids liquid and gas)and travels fastest through solids.

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it travels fast in gases

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yes and it travels faster than liquid and gas

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Sound travels fastest through solids because the molecules are closer together than in liquids or gases. Sound travels fastest through steel.

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Sound travels the fastest through a solid compared to a liquid or gas. This is because the particles in a solid are closely packed, allowing sound waves to propagate quickly through the material.

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Sound can travels through liquid such as water and solid such as rock and ground. Put your ear on the floor and hear the people step for the proof of sound travel through solid.

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It travels through all three, but at different speeds.

Do sounds travel faster throw liquid?

no sound travels faster through solids.

Does sound travel faster through a liquid or gas?

Sound travels faster through liquids than gases because the molecules in liquids are closer together, allowing sound waves to propagate more quickly.

Where does sound travels through?

Sound travels through a medium, which can be solid, liquid, or gas. In solids, sound waves travel the fastest, followed by liquids, and then gases. In space, where there is no medium, sound cannot travel.

Does sound slow down in liquid?

On the contrary, sound travels better through liquid, even better through solids, we only think differently because we only hear normally through air.